An FDA cleared device using proven thermal shortwave diathermy technology to help veterans and active military attain
consistent, positive outcomes.
Replexa+ is a prescription-only thermal shortwave diathermy device with FDA indications for relieving pain. Its versatile design allows for use on various body locations.
Replexa+ is an FDA cleared thermal shortwave diathermy device. It uses electromagnetic waves to generate deep heat within body tissues.
FDA indications for use include relieving pain, reducing muscle spasm, increasing range of motion of contracted joints using heat and stretch techniques, and increasing blood flow to tissues in the treatment area.
Replexa+ is designed for versatile use on various body locations. The device includes two applicators that can be used together or independently, providing effective treatment and comfortable placement.
ProMedTek is a mission-driven medical device company focused on developing products to help serve our nation's veterans and active military and improve their quality of life. We aim to foster an inclusive environment, support employees personally and professionally.
“No man is an island.” – John Donne
At ProMedTek we partner with organizations through sponsorship and volunteer opportunities that focus on giving back to the veteran and military communities.
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